Sainsburys Work Party
Tuesday 22nd october 2019
As a supporter of Woodland Trust, Sainsburys had given the opportunity for their staff to have a day "working in a wood".
Jonathan Jukes organised for them to 'make a difference' by assisting in a current project. The group came from a local Sainsburys store in nearby Billericay.
The Project
The Woodland Trust contractor had earlier felled trees in the area and moved the brash adjacent to the Cygnet Wood path.
Our task was to build a "Dead Hedge" by weaving the brash into a hedge.
Work Party's Task
Assisted by four of the regular Swan & Cygnet Working Group volunteers, with Jonathan Jukes, Essex WT Manager,leading us, we built the 'dead hedge'. The aim is to protect the cleared area for future growth by keeping out animals such as dogs & munjac deer.