New Bridges Constructed

New Bridge - July 2018
Sourcing the materials

The group decided to build a bridge over the muddy patch or stream adjacent to the pond.

With authority to go ahead from Paul, timber and weld mesh was procured. We used a timber supplier who offered FSC certified timber. As we said the project was for charity, we were given a Trade cash card - gaining a considerable saving for WT. The cross planks were sawn into 1m lengths from a 3m piece. Thanks to Alan for the use of his Ford truck which was used to collect some items from the suppier and to deliver all the materials to the wood. Also for providing the 4 stone foundations (see picture)

Digging in the stone supports

With hard ground and roots, this task took some time.
Once level and deep enough so the step up to the bridge was not too high, we were ready to position the two bearers and start fixing the cross planks at 1" intervals..

Fixing the planks to the bearers

With borrowed cordless hand drill and a cordless screwdriver, we were soon fixing the 30 planks to the two bearers

Now to fix the Weld Mesh

With two hammers and plenty of staples, this didn't take us too long; however, we needed a pair of cutting pincers to snip the 13mm squares


Roger trys out and assesses the Weld Mesh; it passed OK

The finished product

The bridge  by the pond

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Relocation - Bridge at 'Bamboo Corner'

Existing Position

The bridge leads to muddy sections during wet weather - hence the reason for moving 

Preparing to lay the keystones/foundatios

Bridge in its new position

Phase 2- Moving boardwalk

Bridge in its new position. To avoid all the roots, the next step was to change the route of the path by moving the boardwalk to cut the corner - this side of the Birch tree.

Parts of the Boardwalk were rotten. The bearers and slats needed to be replaced; picture shows the repair on site

Boardwalk in new position

Boardwalk in new position

Laying the Path

Adding the path rails and some aggregateThe bridge  by the pond

 Barrows of aggregate

Human roadroller levelling the surface

Another task completed!