74 High Street
Essex CM12 9BS

Affiliated to the Campign for
the Protection of Rural Essex

Number 183
February 2013


Annual General meeting
Wednesday 20TH March 2013
Please note that as usual the one half of one hour AGM starts at 19:30 hrs or 7:30 pm before the illustrated talk by Mike Logan with slides on “Lives of more birds”.
All positions on the committee become vacant at the AGM. Most of the Committee Members have served for more than seven years & two members have died. I have been chairman for 10 years. I have achieved my aim of securing Sun Corner, now Queen Elizabeth II Fields in the town for posterity. New blood & ideas are required, or do you not care about the future of Billericay. Our Green Belt could so easily become building sites & our footpaths lost, so walkers & dog owners you need to come forward & volunteer.

Welcome to members & visitors & Apologies for Absence
Confirm the Minutes of the 2012 AGM
Report from the Chair on activities in 2012.
To receive and approve the Annual Accounts, & thank the Treasurer & Auditor
Election of President,
President to take the chair for the election of the chairperson
Election of Officers & the committee
Election of Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Social Secretary & Publicity Officer
To elect up to six other committee members
Any Other Business.

The committee would like to thank Julie & Doug Smith for volunteering & trying to make sense of & sorting out the accounts for financial year 2012/13 from John’s documents. John controlled the accounts up to 12th October 2012 when he was admitted to hospital.
Julie & Doug also took care of the financial side of the Society’s walkers’ luncheon & the Christmas Social, to my great relief & thanks.
An obituary for JOHN BATH can be found at the end of this newsletter.

WARNING: ASH dieback
Chalara ash dieback has the potential to destroy our trees on a scale comparable to Dutch elm disease. It could kill 80% of the U.K’s 80 million ash trees.
This loss would have a profound & devastating impact on our wildlife & landscape
Please report any sightings of the disease immediately to the Food & Environment Research Agency (Fera) on the chalara helpline 08459 33 55 77.
Email: plant.health.info@fera.gsi.gov.uk
For more information visit woodlandtrust.org.uk/treedisease or by calling 0845 293 5858
For latest updates & to find out how you can help, or to make a donation go to visiting woodlandtrust.org.uk/treedisease
Pictures of how leaves & tree bark appear when affected by chalara can be seen in pictures at Society evenings. Please look & learn the signs, thank you.

Basildon has commissioned a firm of landscape experts, in London, to characterise the area around Billericay town centre. The land, immediately around Billericay has been divided into four local character areas: 1/ Upper Crouch Valley Farmlands; 2/ East Billericay Wooded Sloping Farmland; 3/ West Billericay Wooded Farmland; & 4/ Burstead Sloping Farmland. I obtained a map of these detailed local areas.
I attended the only consultation meeting, on 6th February 2013, to discuss their finding and observations about the local area. During the 2 hr workshop session more detailed local knowledge was supplied to the investigators and there was an opportunity to express our local opinions, feelings & requirements.
No. we could not find space for more housing. We emphasised the increase in our local population to circa 38,000 homes in Billericay town. Our views out across the surrounding fields were also stressed as important to Billericay as were our open spaces, & Green Belt. These aspects were important to our quality of life. As a commuter town we have grown too large for the local infrastructure.
The four Billericay local representatives consisted of: Cllr. Dr Richard Moore, Basildon Council, Cllr Peter Bowditch, vice chair of Billericay Town Council, Clifford Mullett, Chairman of the Norsey Wood Society, & myself, David Bremner Chairman of Billericay Society.
Some text sheets of the characterisation were obtained which can be seen at the Wednesday Society meeting. The complete local survey will cover the whole of the area around Basildon which has been divided into 14 local character areas, including the four around Billericay.
This is a government backed national initiative to characterise the English landscape.

February 2013: What’s in a box? – A look at the museum’s collection of interesting boxes.
March 2013: Historic books in the Cater museum
The museum is open Monday to Saturday from 14:00 hrs [2 pm] to 17:00 hrs [5 pm]. It is well worth a visit. There are many interesting displays & artefacts to experience.
A visit to the Museum is a great experience for the grandchildren.
More details on the museum's website at www.catermuseum.co.uk

WALKS during 2013 _- Activity may change due to weather.
The walks sub-committee, WSC, have cancelled the walks in February 2013.
Due to the prevailing weather conditions, the WSC may have to cancel more walks during 2013 as very few have suitable hard pathways that do not required crossing muddy fields. Mud on boots makes climbing over stiles even more difficult.

So, if the weather has been raining a few days before the walk date, please check with a member of the WSC, or me David, 01277 626674 before the Tuesday date, not on the morning of the walk. Best course of action is to phone the walk leader.

Members of the walks sub-committee are:
Doug & Julie Smith 623560; John & Lesley Humphries 656527; & Ian Fuller 655564.

Walks details can be found here.

David Bremner

Obituary of JOHN BATH. Treasurer to the Billericay Society 1989 to 2012.
John, aged 85 years, peacefully passed away, in Basildon Hospital on Friday, 18th January 2013. John was born Hubert John Bath on 12th April 1927, after his father, but was always known as John.
Our thoughts and sympathy go out to his twins: daughter Julia & his son Peter for their loss.
John had been employed for many years in the Engineering & Highways department of the Local Council, at offices in Billericay High Street & Basildon.
John had been the treasurer of the Billericay Society since 1989. 24 years of impeccable service. He kept meticulous records of our financial activities resulting in an annual balance sheet. A mystery only an accountant can create.
Following his wife Nancy’s death, some 25 years ago, John became active in other Societies in Billericay. John was membership secretary of the Billericay Archaeological & Historical Society, BA&HS. John contributed, with Ian Fuller, a historical article: “The Nineteenth Century Legacy” in the BA&HS booklet “Billericay 1900”. John was also treasurer of the Geological Society and on the management committee of the Billericay Arts Association, BAA, at the Fold.
He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Despite all this public support activity and involvement in local Societies, John was a gentleman, private, unassuming likeable friend. His firm but quiet manner was appreciated by all who came in contact with him. Except for his pipe!
I came to know John better during regular visits & chats over the past two & one half years that he was housebound. His biggest worry whilst in hospital was that I had the Society’s cheque book! He was happier when Julie Smith took charge of the accounts.
John’s Humanist funeral: Was held on Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 12:00 noon at North Chapel, Chelmsford Crematorium. It was well attended by his many friends. There was standing room only.


President Norman Turner Billericay 622981
Chairman David Bremner Billericay 626674
Vice Chairman Doug Smith Billericay 623560
Secretary Betty Gardener Billericay 656838
Treasurer Julie Smith Billericay 623560
Membership Secretaries Lesley & John Humphries Billericay 656527
Publicity Officers Janet Warren Billericay 634912
Social Secretary Marian Thilo Billericay 624502
Webmaster Mike Yates Billericay 622454
Cater Museum Christine Brewster Billericay 622023

Email: secretary@billericaysociety.co.uk
Website: www.billericaysociety.co.uk
Cater Museum: www.catermuseum.co.uk
Vice Presidents: Alec McGregor & Roy Mizen

Billericay Community Archive: www.billericayhistory.org.uk
"We need your memories"
Share a memory - Archive reception days second Monday of the month in Billericay library 11:00 till 14:00